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Friday, July 28, 2024

lol... there was no way my inattentive butt was gonna learn how to ACTUALLY make a website that doesnt look cruddy. maybe, in the future ill rework this again with my actual factual skills that i may have to make it look how i always wanted it to look.. but yeah, this is closer to what i wanted.. thanks sadgrl!

anyway. the eyebleeding color pallet is here to stay. the links WILL be filled with real things and be a bit more polished.. eventually. i will maybe remove some links too because i havent a clue on how to actually do cool guestbook stuff like that

just so you know, the next time you come back it might look totally different lol

UPDATE!! i found a guestbook thing and now i have one!! say something.. i will make it look nicer :100: